will be reading excerpts from 1776 by David
McCullough for all class levels this month. In a survey of parents at
the parents meeting and the following week, most families already
have a copy. Those who do not can check it out from their library or
borrow one as those who did not have a copy were few.
Read in Chapter 2 pages 20-28.
Do two of the following:
Read in Chapter 2 pages 20-28.
Do two of the following:
- Note in your Reflections Journal several thoughts on the character of the American leaders.
- Describe how you would want to be remembered as a leader. (Send this to Brother Fincher.)
- Describe how you are preparing to become a leader. (Send this to Brother Fincher.)
in Chapter 2 pages 32-34.
Do two of the following:
Do two of the following:
- Note in your Reflections Journal several thoughts on the character of the American soldiers.
- Think about how we often judge people by their external characteristics. Note several scriptures that discuss this tendency. (Send this to Brother Fincher.)
- (Send this to Brother Fincher.)
in Chapter 3 pages 70-71, 79-97.
Come prepared to discuss the importance of what happened at Dorchester Heights.
Come prepared to discuss the importance of what happened at Dorchester Heights.
Chapter 5 in 1776.
Come prepared to discuss the following:
Come prepared to discuss the following:
- How important is "intelligence"?
- What importance is there in protecting ourselves from all avenues of attack?
- Why do we sometimes assume that there is nothing to worry about from the Adversary?
- What is bravery?
- How would you describe the retreat of the Americans from Brooklyn Heights?
Chapter 7, Sections II and III in 1776,
pages 257-294.
Consider the following:
Consider the following:
- What do you do when all seems lost?
- What does fortitude mean?
- Why do some so willingly abandon a cause?
- Why do some give their all for a cause?
- Describe the Hessians